If you have received any notification from a company or commercial organization related to the content of your presentation within the past 3 years of your abstract submission, please contact us.
(1) For directors and advisors of companies, corporations, or profit-oriented organizations related to medical research (hereinafter referred to as "companies, organizations, or associations"), the amount of remuneration from a single company, organization, or association must be at least 1 million yen per year.
(2) Shareholdings are defined as the total profit (sum of dividends and profits from the sale of shares) from shares in one company for one year of at least ¥1,000,000, or at least 5% of all the shares in question.
(3) Regarding the royalty fee from companies, organizations or groups, the annual royalty fee for one right should be 1,000,000 yen or more.
(4) The daily allowance (lecture fees, etc.) paid by a company, organization or association for time and labor spent by the researcher in attending meetings (presentations, lectures, etc.), provided that the total annual lecture fee from one company or association is 500,000 yen or more.
(5) Manuscript fees paid by a company, organization, or association for writing brochures, roundtable articles, etc. must total at least ¥500,000 per year from a single company, organization, or association.
(6) For research funds provided by a company, organization or group, enter the total amount of research contract funds from a single company or organization for medical research (joint research, contract research, clinical trials, etc.) that the declarant can substantially determine the use of, which is at least 1 million yen per year.
(7) For scholarship (incentive) donations provided by companies, organizations or groups, enter the total amount of donations from one company or group to the declarant or to the declarant's department, field or laboratory, which the declarant can practically decide how to use, amounting to 1,000,000 yen or more per year.
(8) This shall be the case where the declarant and others belong to an endowed course offered by a company, organization, or group. However, the total amount of donated funds over 1,000,000 yen per year that the declarant can practically decide how to use should be listed.
(9) Other gifts, such as travel and gifts not directly related to research, must be received from a single company, organization, or group for a total amount of at least ¥50,000 per year.
However, the criteria for disclosure (1) "Officer or advisor of a company or profit-oriented organization" means the case where a researcher belonging to a research institute assumes an officer or advisor position of a specific company and is engaged regularly and continuously by contract and receives remuneration, and the provision of advice, etc. on a single occasion at the request of a partner company is not included in the criteria for disclosure. (4) The researcher reports as "remuneration paid by a company or profit-oriented organization for time and labor spent in attending meetings (presentations, lectures, etc.) and for the researcher's attendance at meetings (presentations, lectures, etc.)".
The following is the list of the criteria for the declaration of remuneration.
In addition, for (6) and (7), all filers are required to report when their departments (courses, fields) or laboratories receive research expenses or scholarship donation funds from related companies, organizations, etc. The amount of the standard amount for determining the use of research expenses and donation funds provided by companies, etc. must be reported. The standard amount for research expenses and donated funds provided by companies, etc., is the amount of money for which the filer can practically determine the use.The specific method of disclosure of the contents to be reported and the manner of disclosure shall be in accordance with the prescribed form.
COI disclosure (example)